Do you know ANNOUNCEMENT ???
if you dunno' lets check it out :)
Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make known what has happened or (more often) what will happen.
· The contents of an announcement usually contain a title line which contains the tool name, version, release name, and date. Additional contents often fall into the following message sections:
About: a short paragraph summary of the tool's purpose
Changes: a list of the highest impact changes since the last release (should be brief since the changelog comprises the definitive list)
Resources: links to project pages of interest, such as homepage, where to download, bug tracking system, etc
· Some additional, optional fields might include "Highlights", "Author(s)", "License", "Requirements", and "Release History".
· In writing an announcement, keep the following points
> the title/type of event,
>Date/time, place and
> contact person
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